Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hi everyone I am going to tell you  what I did at school. We built stable structures that had to be 25 centimetres tall, had to have a flat top and we got 15 centimetres of blue tack. The people who were in my group were Dawid and Nikolas. The ideas where that we make a pyramid  or a square shape structure. Next time I would like to change my design. You usually need a flat top and pyramids are the best for a stable structure. 

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Week 1 Term 4

Hi everyone I am going to tell you what I did at school. We did a poems my poem was fowers and angles, we are learning about a network of friends. We just came back from the holidays where very fun. I had a sleepover and I got to go to my Mum and Dads IGA shop I got to go on the registers, and face up the shelfs and take the stuff of the registers . Bye!